- Pharmacies make live updates to their information for greater accuracy of data and claims processing
- Health Plans and other payers troubleshoot and resolve rejected claims
- Sales and Marketing engage in outreach to the pharmacy industry through validated and current contact information
NCPDP is committed to providing its subscribers with the most verified and credible pharmacy database in the industry.
Unequivocal credibility
Every day, dataQ 3.0 helps payers across the healthcare industry to enhance productivity, reduce costs and improve their bottom line.
In fact, NCPDP is the only EFI (Electronic File Interchange) organization certified by CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) to electronically obtain NPI (National Provider Identifier) numbers for authorizing pharmacies, and maintain them within the federal government’s NPPES (National Plan and Provider Enumeration System). Nothing speaks more strongly to NCPDP’s reputation for accuracy and credibility than this. If the federal government trusts NCPDP for its pharmacy information needs, along with hundreds of subscriber organizations, large and small, private and public – why wouldn’t you?

How can we empower YOU today?
NCPDP’s dataQ 3.0 pharmacy database is much more than verified contact information for pharmacies. From downloadable certification and tax documentation to relationship and payment center details, it is the most robust data available on the market, offering tremendous standard and custom reporting capabilities.
Contact us today and we’ll get down to specifics on how dataQ 3.0 can empower your space.

As a payer organization, you want timely, accurate claims processing, facilitated through continuously maintained data. You want to be sure that you are reimbursing the correct pharmacy, and you want the most credible and current resources for instant troubleshooting and repair of delayed claims.
NCPDP has been providing trusted information to payers for more than 30 years. With the recent launch of dataQ™ 3.0, subscribers benefit from an incomparable level of pharmacy data, more value and mission-critical resources than ever before.
You can still get the same file delivery as before, but there are fresh new options that can take your database maintenance and processing to a whole new level. Faster access to current information. Live troubleshooting on a real-time platform. Flexible, customizable reporting.

It’s a payer goldmine
If you are a large organization, you might use a standard or custom dataQ™ subscription to enhance and cleanse your own database and manage your pharmacy network, or use it as a crosswalk between legacy NCPDP Provider ID (formerly the NABP) and NPI numbers. You might even use dataQ WebConnect™ real-time pharmacy lookup option and/or dataQ OnDemand™ detailed reporting for fraud/abuse controls, or to verify claims as valid. Smaller payers often use NCPDP’s database exclusively to save time, staffing and money.
Either way – you win. Find out more by scheduling a demo of the product.

Discover more. Grow more. Profit more.
If you are a chain drugstore or a third-party contractor, your network is everything. Through delivery of a powerful database, dataQ™ 3.0 by NCPDP helps you gain insight where it is needed most to manage and grow your network.
Because of our migration to a browser-based system, pharmacies now maintain their own data online in real-time. What does this mean to you? It means ready access to the most current and accurate information possible at the drop of a hat — including newly opened or closed pharmacies, NPI updates, and other detailed information.
As always, access to data on locations within your own network continues to be available at no charge. But why stop there? With a subscription to the full database, suddenly a new window of discovery opens:
- Visibility into the service areas of your competition
- Simplified tracking of pharmacy market share and saturation
- Identification of pharmacies for merger/acquisition possibilities
- Enhanced filtering by state, service area, dispenser type, etc.
- Monitoring capabilities for prescription drug abuse and fraud

Need to identify who is in a specific market that you are seeking to penetrate — real-time?
dataQ WebConnect™ does that.
Want custom files based on your need for additional/fewer information fields or specific geographic and/or demographic selections?
dataQ OnDemand™ can do it.
Call us today for a demo and targeted discussion on how it can solve your analytic needs.

Bye-bye commodity. Hello value.
As a clearinghouse for sending pharmacy prescription drug insurance claims to the right health plan or PBM (pharmacy benefit manager) for reimbursement, your challenge isn’t limited to being the fastest and the cheapest. You need value-adds to better serve your clients and stand out in a highly competitive market, and you need them now.
Endpoint to endpoint, dataQ™ 3.0 by NCPDP gives you the detailed, accurate data you need to deliver superior service. On the pharmacy service end of the spectrum or the payer end, dataQ 3.0 delivers accurate, timely information right when you need it. Claims that stumbled along the cyber highway can be quickly validated or corrected – making you the hero.
A service (r)evolution
By combining NCPDP’s proven methodology for data maintenance with recent enhancements, dataQ 3.0 has unequaled accuracy, timeliness and flexibility.
For example, pharmacies have ownership over the timeliness and quantity of dataQ 3.0 files received, updating their record online, which is then validated and accepted for posting by NCPDP. This ensures expedited updates, giving you the latest data. Only NCPDP has this capability.

If you add value for your clients by matching pharmacies up with NPI numbers, that information is immediately available. You need to translate pharmacy data into a format that the payer accepts because they aren’t quite ready to process NPI numbers? dataQ 3.0 can assist with that, too.
Take a closer look today via one of our database services associates.

Only the best data will suffice
As a healthcare informatics professional, you transform raw data into meaningful, actionable intelligence. When it comes to your pharmaceutical manufacturer clients, claims data analysis is only as good as the data behind it – so you need the best information available. And the delivery mechanism? It needs to be timely with continual updates in a digitized format that can be exported and imported exactly where it is needed.
NCPDP delivers the most current, detailed and accurate pharmacy database available via the dataQ™ 3.0 solution and updates are available via subscription or real-time access. No other source can provide the same level of granular detail. For example, dataQ 3.0 can help you discover the top pharmacies dispensing a specific prescription drug in any service area you choose, or give information on specific pharmacy types such as long term care, compounding or specialty pharmacies in a specific city or region.

Expanded reporting flexibility
Because it has over 25 criteria and 60 fields to report on, dataQ 3.0’s OnDemand™ custom reporting varieties are endless. A continually expanding library of query criteria is available to subscribers, but you also have the freedom to create and archive report queries specific to your organization. The user-friendly interface accommodates users from the most sophisticated IT department down to a single user at a small consulting organization.
For example, pharmacies now have ownership over the timeliness and quantity of dataQ 3.0 files received, updating their record online, which is then validated and accepted for posting by NCPDP. This ensures expedited updates, giving you the latest data. Only NCPDP has this capability.
If you need more complex reporting than the template library offers and your busy IT department just can’t get to it fast enough, NCPDP’s custom services can program exactly what you need. Just give us a call and we’ll make it happen.

- More accurate utilization history by matching NPI numbers to legacy pharmacy identifiers.
- Custom reporting for sales and marketing analytics.
- Targeted promotional mailings to launch a new prescription drug.
- Auditing rebate invoices.
A simple database of pharmacy contact information just can’t accomplish these goals. For a pharmaceutical manufacturer, access to a robust pharmacy database is an essential part of daily business.
Empowering sales/marketing for increased revenue
Because of dataQ™ 3.0’s ideal blend of quality, timeliness, accuracy and enhanced reporting functionality – all backed by the most trusted name in the industry, NCPDP – Pharma companies trust dataQ 3.0 to help them be more competitive and profitable.

The real-time pharmacy look-up resource of dataQ WebConnect™ and the impressively flexible dataQ OnDemand™ “build your own report” solutions are ideal for evaluating the competition and market saturation or evaluating growth of pharmacies in a specific sales territory for sales force allocations. In tandem with a regional or national subscription to the database, manufacturers are empowered with data to fuel their revenue goals.
Speak with our database services associates today for details.

Any time, anywhere access
As a pharmacy vendor or VAR (value-added reseller), you need affordable data that is accurate, with flexible output and formatting options. With the recent launch of dataQ™ 3.0 by NCPDP, an enhanced pharmacy subscriber database with industry-leading accuracy, you can now market and make decisions with confidence.
dataQ 3.0 subscriptions are available on a web browser-based platform and offline. Thanks to dataQ WebConnect™ and dataQ OnDemand™, access to “gold standard” pharmacy data is more affordable and flexible than ever before. Whether you need data on a single pharmacy dispenser type, such as retail or specialty pharmacies, or on a defined geographic area, you can purchase access to exactly what you need, when you need it.
- Weekly or monthly file downloads via email or
FTP delivery (dataQ standard or custom subscriptions), - Real-time look-ups (dataQ WebConnect), and
- Build-your-own reporting (dataQ OnDemand).

Common uses include integration of dataQ 3.0 into VAR applications such as ePrescribing or online pharmacy directories, troubleshooting claims adjudication, as an adjunct in credentialing, cleansing and merging with private databases, and more.
Ask us today how we can empower your business.

Providing healthcare stakeholders with the most comprehensive, verified pharmacy database available.
National Council for Prescription Drug programs (NCPDP) significantly enhanced its dataQ™ database to dataQ 3.0. This new and advanced pharmacy database solution provides healthcare stakeholders with an unparalleled level of detailed pharmacy information in the industry. In addition to adding more data files, we have added four new tables so that you can obtain information specific to state license ID’s, change of ownership, pharmacy services and remittance and reconciliation information.
Whether you subscribe to a routine file or need live data, dataQ 3.0’s reliably current data is based on an incomparable verification processes by a team of experts 100% focused on pharmacies. It enables pharmacies, PBMs (Pharmacy Benefit Managers), health plans and other stakeholders to have improved pharmacy database accuracy for claims adjudication – streamlining their electronic claims processing.
The database facilitates pharmacy network development and credentialing, data validation, drug utilization monitoring, drug recalls, new product launches, rebate processing and market research/analysis.
Standard or Custom Subscription Access
Available with varying subscription and administrative levels, dataQ 3.0 monthly or weekly files are available for an annual license fee, which depends on the intended use of the data and the purchasers type of business. Full, standard access is popular for clients who prefer to receive all available information, while other stakeholders appreciate the flexibility of purchasing a customized subscription with only those data sets specific to their needs. Ask us today what might be right for you.
Data fields include:
- Physical and mailing addresses, phone and fax number for over 75,000 chain, independent, military/government, franchise, compound and specialty pharmacies in the U.S. Even non-pharmacy prescription drug dispensers are included, such as urgent or emergency care facilities, dispensing physician practices, etc.
- The NPI (National Provider Identifier) number
- Parent organization and other relationship information
- Payment center (remittance) information
- Specialty class, such as compounding or specialty pharmacy, community pharmacy, mail order pharmacy, durable medical equipment, etc.
- Hours of operation and languages spoken

There’s more?
We didn’t stop there. Need just a specific state pharmacy or real-time data to troubleshoot and verify current data issues? Authorized subscribers can generate custom reports through dataQ OnDemand™ – a robust, intuitive web-based program with extensive search and reporting capabilities, or access real-time pharmacy records via the optional dataQ WebConnect™ online solution.
dataQ WebConnect also allows instant download of license and certification documentation, such as state pharmacy licenses, DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) certificates and NPI (National Provider Identifier) confirmations.

Who uses dataQ™?
NCPDP works closely with:
- Payers, including large/small Health Plans
- PBMs
- PSAOs (pharmacy system administrative and other third party contracting organizations)
- Independent, chain and franchise pharmacies
- Claims clearinghouses and switches;
- Pharmaceutical manufacturers and other companies that market to pharmacies
- Healthcare informatics and drug utilization review organizations; and
- Vendors and other healthcare solution providers such as value-added resellers (VARS), ePrescribing and electronic medical records (EMR) system vendors

Verify and Troubleshoot Data, Real-Time
Thanks to the real-time pharmacy look-up capabilities of dataQ WebConnect, pharmacy information can be verified instantly against live information from the most current database available. Whether licensed to a single user or dozens, it provides instant problem solving capabilities.
Who benefits the most from real-time look-up functionality? WebConnect is most valuable for claims processing, call center settings and for sales/marketing functions, including:
- PBMs (pharmacy benefit managers) and health plan pharmacy help desks, who can instantly diagnose rejected claims - often due to incorrect store opening or closing dates, contracting data, or payment information – and download original documents such as NPI confirmation letters, state license documents and DEA certificates
- Health Plans and other pharmacy network developers, who can access the most current data to maintain or grow their networks
- Pharmacy manufacturers, who update/cleanse their database using the consistently accurate dataQ™ product
- Government entities identify credentialing documents for fraudulent claims and abuse cases.

dataQ WebConnect™ is a fast, reliable and economical solution. Contact us today for details and a full product demonstration!
Want extensive reporting capabilities that leverage the real-time data? NCPDP also offers dataQ OnDemand™ as an option.

Access to the Data You Need, How You Need It
dataQ OnDemand™ provides “do it yourself” pharmacy reporting that is timely, cost effective and convenient. Available any time and anywhere with Internet access, this optional delivery method of pharmacy data allows healthcare stakeholders to run an extensive array of real-time pharmacy reports based on specific query criteria.
Build your own pharmacy report
Through assigning “intelligent” identification codes to its data fields, dataQ™ 3.0’s nimble interface rapidly identifies, sorts and categorizes in a manner never before available. The dataQ OnDemand tool allows authorized users to run and save detailed reports selecting from more than 25 criteria (such as dispenser-type) and more than 50 fields of information specific to each pharmacy.
Because of its archiving capabilities, dataQ OnDemand allows access to past report criteria, which can be especially useful for repetitive reporting needs.
Exporting options include XML, CSV (comma delimited), TIFF, PDF, HTML and Excel. Access to the custom reporting is priced on a per-user basis determined by class of trade.

No more IT roadblocks
For larger organizations such as healthcare payers, pharmaceutical manufacturers and drug utilization review entities, the ability to track live data and industry trends is of primary importance. With extensive reports available to run at any time, waiting for the IT department to write code for specialized reports is a relic of the past – saving time and money.
Small/specialty organizations are able to purchase specialized sets of data, making the solution affordable and accessible. It is a fresh resource for companies with unique needs that historically could not gain access to information customized for their use.
Primary reporting fields include, but are not limited to:
- geographic information
- services
- license numbers (documentation is only available for download via dataQ WebConnect™)
- key identifiers such as NCPDP Provider ID, DEA, and NPI
- relationship types such as chain, franchise, purchasing group, third party reconciliation group or contracting groups
- provider types: retail pharmacy, compounding, specialty, military, managed care, mail order, long term care, clinic, etc.
For sample reports specific to your needs and detailed information on the full scope of the dataQ OnDemand™ reporting fields and capabilities, contact our database services associates today.